What is a composite you ask?

A composite photo is just that, using several layers you can take elements from one image and "layer-it-on" to another.  You can do this with two elements or many and of course the "Photoshopping" of the picture you hear about in the news completely changes the context of the image.  When this is done, disclosed and marketed as art, I see no problem but using for news coverage to me is misleading and dishonest.


OK, so much for the disclaimer give us some examples and don't forget, clicking on the photo's give you a larger view.

Jeff's Garage

Jeff's Garage

Well here we find ourselves in front of Jeff's Garage right?  Well not exactly, the picture of my brother Jeff was taken in South Dakota at a family picnic.  The sign was somewhere out in Oregon and the B.S. Bench in Blue Ridge, GA and the back wall resided in New Orleans.  There is no Jeff's Garage like one depicted in this image, it was four elements composited together to create that illusion.


Sherlock Craig

I don't normally post pictures of myself (or for that matter write this much) but this one has a special meaning to me - no not that I am in it but that I am in it. Let me explain.


For as long as I can remember I have been a fan of Sherlock Holmes, the books, movies and TV series - especially the ones played by Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. So when I was in London in 1992 this first picture of me sitting in Sherlock's chair and wearing his hat was a special treat - I was in it - his living room at 221b Baker Street.


Of course this picture was taken by a friend with my camera loaded with Kodachrome slide film. No digital display, no notice of the flash in the mirror until the slides came back several weeks later. Since 1992 this picture has bugged me because all you see is the flash in the mirror.

Sherlock Craig - composite

Well as my one or two readers will attest, I have been scanning all of my 1992 slides from the United Kingdom which is very time consuming but gratifying. That effort has paid off because I found a picture I took of the same scene without me in the chair. It was taken handheld in natural light, so no flash in the mirror.


With the wonders of Photoshop and years of practice, I have netted a new view of me sitting in Sherlock's chair - wait for it, wait for it - without the flash in the mirror. By layering and other techniques I was able to sandwich a portion of the second picture onto the first and as the French would say Voilà!  In fact, if you look closely you'll see my reflection in the mirror taking a picture of myself sitting in the chair, a wonder of modern science for sure.


Dare I say Dr. Watson would be proud - I wonder, how do it get it into the Strand.

Vickie is on the Loose

Vickie on the loose in Ellijay, GA

Here is an example of making something a little larger than normal in relation to the background - not that Vickie was a small doberman to begin with. I turned her loose on the unsuspecting multitudes on the square in Ellijay by layering her over the background of the street.  I guess we could call this surrealism art purposely designed to evoke emotion - a large, fierece dog on the loose.  


For the record, Vickie was a wonderful dog although she did have a way in greating you that scared the (select your favorite adjective here) out of you. She would take your whole forearm in her mouth and ever so lightly chomp down on it a couple of times. The first time she did this I thought she was going to take my arm, but it was her gentle way of saying she could but instead was showing me she liked me. 

What's New?

Booth Western Art Museum

U.S. Space & Rocket Center

Barber Motorsport Museum

Fireworks at Lake Blue Ridge

The views were spectacular in Tennessee looking over the Taccoa/Ocoee River!

Time to click for the sky and the leafs, they were incredible in 2018.

The Florida Panhandle! Click the image for more.


"Wheels Through Time in Maggie Valley, NC! Click the image for more.

Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA. Just click the image for more.

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my website. It is an expression of my creativity and interest in photography.


While it is not my intent to sell images, if you see something that strikes your fancy contact me and we can discuss your use. I do copyright my work and ask that you do not clip or use it without written permission.


©2025 Craig Metz, all rights reserved.

The number of images viewed since site redesign in May of 2016!

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