Free Form Images

What do I mean by journalistic style you ask. Typically, I am shooting without a plan, I let serendipity and the enviroment dictate the opportunity. Sometimes, you are at an event and that opens a line of photography or your in a specific place and looking for interesting ways to represent its essence, sometime nothing inspires but you are shooting and learning and getting better at your avocation.  Often I just take my camera with the hope something of interest jumps out at me and these photos are just that, things that caught my eye.


Just click on any image for a slidshow.

What's New?

Booth Western Art Museum

U.S. Space & Rocket Center

Barber Motorsport Museum

Fireworks at Lake Blue Ridge

The views were spectacular in Tennessee looking over the Taccoa/Ocoee River!

Time to click for the sky and the leafs, they were incredible in 2018.

The Florida Panhandle! Click the image for more.


"Wheels Through Time in Maggie Valley, NC! Click the image for more.

Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA. Just click the image for more.

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my website. It is an expression of my creativity and interest in photography.


While it is not my intent to sell images, if you see something that strikes your fancy contact me and we can discuss your use. I do copyright my work and ask that you do not clip or use it without written permission.


©2025 Craig Metz, all rights reserved.

The number of images viewed since site redesign in May of 2016!

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©2019 Craig Metz | all rights reserved